The first part is here and it is about:
- hardware
- software
- firmwares
- nodemcu
This table show how to connect the hardware together:
Pay attention to GPIO0, you need it connected only for flashing.
I decided to flash a nodemcu firmware.
Connect the GPIO0 to GND and than power on the device.
On my installation on OSX I did this command to flash the device:
python -p /dev/tty.usbserial write_flash 0x00000 nodemcu_21072015.bin
If everything is ok, you should see this message:
Power off the esp8266 than remove the GPIO0 connection and than power on the chip again.
Talk with ESP8266
Now, it's time to talk with the chip.
Now, it's time to talk with the chip.
I use kermit with this .kermrc configuration:
set carrier-watch off
set line /dev/tty.usbserial
set speed 9600
set line /dev/tty.usbserial
set speed 9600
than you can press "c" to connect and typing print ("hello"); you should see the device responding hello back.
Now you can test some commands.
If you have downloaded the luatool, you can write your programs in a text file with lua extension and upload on the board with
python --port /dev/tty.usbserial --src main.lua --dest main.lua --baud 9600
Lua files
Now, you can connect to the esp8266 and type dofile("main.lua"); to run the program.
If the file you are loading on the device, it is called init.lua the esp8266 at every boot will load it: pay attention, a bad init script can block the device forever... The only solution in this case is a re-flash of the device.
If you have any question, feel free to ask in the comments section.
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my wirings :)